Seattle Center Artists at Play

The Site Workshop team collaborated closely with two local artists- Trimpin and Judith Caldwell- to design a dynamic, art-based play environment in Seattle Center.

The park features a series of interactive, kinetic sculptures that invite children to make music as they play. A spirit of inclusion informed each stage of the project, creating a welcoming playground that engages children of all ages and abilities.

A colorful, layered composition of play elements includes a giant, 35-foot climbing tower, an ADA accessible carousel, and musical sculptures throughout.

The design process included several public workshops with children from across the city, where we explored the nature of sound together with the artists. The playground is free to all visitors, providing a long-needed amenity in a dense urban neighborhood.

Year: 2015
Area: 3 acres
Client: Seattle Center
Partners: Trimpin and Judith Caldwell, Highwire

Award: American Society of Landscape Architects, Washington Chapter- 2016 General Design Merit Award


text&images: siteworkshop

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